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Technical assessment software

Customize your technical recruitment funnel by stacking assessments and interviews. Multiple coding languages supported. Shortlist and hire tech talent with confidence.

Toggl Hire candidate view
Remote hiring, but a lot smooother.
pulling questions from the smart test library

29 languages supported

Choose a job template and start with an expert-created smart test. Whether hiring software developers or filling other technical roles, Toggl Hire has got you covered.

Reliable technical screening

No candidates get the same combination of questions with our smart tests, so you can trust the results you see.

Toggl Hire Smart Test

Stack technical and soft skills assessments in a visual pipeline

Tech skills aren't all it takes to succeed in working in a team. In addition to hard skills, our library also covers skills like time management, communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and more. Stacking both technical and soft skills assessments offers hiring managers a well-rounded candidate evaluation. And, it's easy to do in our customizable Pipeline View.

Hiring Pipeline
Hiring funnel

Faster technical recruiting with automated assessments

Recruitment statistics

Spot top tech talent from hundreds of applicants instantly by adopting a skills-first technical recruiting approach. Assess candidates' real skills before  interviews with the hiring managers. Set a score threshold and immediately weed out those without the required technical skills for the job. Save time and only focus on the best tech talent.

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Become a company that candidates love with instant online feedback

Let candidates know his result

Attract more potential candidates with a quick application process and user-friendly experience. Toggl Hire is a skills-based hiring software, so there's no need for candidates to craft CVs to match job descriptions. Instead, they take a quick 15-20 minutes test to show their real skills related to the job. A win-win!

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Drag & drop candidates between recruitment stages in our pipeline view

Hiring funnel

Technical recruitment made easy. Customize your recruitment funnel and have a visual overview of your candidates at every stage of your hiring process. Use email templates to invite candidates to the next step, or reject those without the needed technical skills. Collaborate with your team members and add notes, ratings, and tags to candidates.

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Technical recruitment with Toggl Hire

Create an assessment

Kick-off technical hiring in minutes. Create your first job, set up technical skills assessment, and invite candidates via the link in the job posting or on social media.

Let top tech talent shine

Quickly identify candidates with the right technical skills for the job. Waste no time on bad-fit applicants and fast-track top technical talent further in the hiring process.

Ace technical hiring

Make bad hires a thing of the past. Assess necessary skills for the job and know who will succeed before you commit.

Stackable hiring pipeline for structured flexibility

Get your flow on – mix and match different types of skills assessments to create a role-specific hiring process. Assess, shortlist, hire.

Screen skills, not CVs

Ditch the CV. Get candidates to apply via quiz-like skills assessments and evaluate the skills needed on the job. Let the scoring system shortlist top performers for you.

Screen skills, not CVs

Put a face to a name

Run discovery interviews in your sleep – record an intro to invite candidates, select questions and watch the answers pour in. Review and assess videos at your convenience.

asynchronous video intros setup on toggl hire

Deep-dive into the practical

Discover what your candidates are really capable of by giving them real-world problems to solve. Get to the bottom of their thinking and practical know-how with ready-made assignments.

Deep-dive into the practical

Run productive interviews

Make the most out of your interviews. Ask pointy questions that reveal candidates’ motivations, character and interpersonal skills. Always come prepared without having to prepare.

Run productive interviews
Mai recruiter at Scoro
“We don’t make assumptions based on resumes, so we invited lots of people to interviews, which took too much time.”
Mai, Recruiter at Scoro
Arrow pointing left
Arrow pointing right

Start with a template,
make your own rules

JavaScript Developer


Frontend Developer


Digital Marketer


Customer Support


Sales Representative


React Developer


Graphic Designer


Create a
custom test

Get started

JavaScript Developer


Frontend Developer


Digital Marketer


Customer Support


Sales Representative


React Developer


Graphic Designer


Create a
custom test

Get started

Technical recruiting Q&A

What is technical recruiting?

Technical recruitment, or tech recruitment, refers to hiring talent for technical roles, often in Software Development and IT industry. Technical recruiters specialize in finding employees with the right skills for relevant roles and their ability to understand the software jargon and assess applicants' technical background can be crucial to succeed with the task.

Where can I see available templates?

You can browse and preview all test templates when you sign up for the product. There is no need to talk with the sales team, just go ahead and register to browse available skills and see question examples. Start by creating a skills test, then try it yourself to see why candidates love the experience.

Don’t candidates hate to take tests?

Not at all! Our user-friendly skills assessments take only about 15 minutes and over 80% of candidates applying to positions through Toggl Hire rate their experience positive.

How can i use Toggl Hire in technical recruiting?

Toggl Hire helps streamline the whole recruitment process and focus on best-fit candidates only. Use our job templates to quickly screen tech talent, and provide instant online feedback to all applicants. Then, identify those whose skillset matches the job best and whizz them through the recruitment stages.

Find out more about tech hiring


5 Tips to Becoming a Technical Recruiter Candidates Love

Curious what makes a good technical recruiter? Read our blog post.
read NOW
Technical recruiter blog

Testing Hard Skills in Candidates: A Guide for Hiring Managers

Learn how working remotely benefits both employees, employers, and the world.
read blog article
coding test

Read how Proxify Automated screening for developer roles

Learn how Proxify is nailing tech recruitment by finding top talent globally.
read THE Story
Remote developer at a desk

Grow your technical team with confidence.

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Candidate's video